For a more human tomorrow: our 2022-2023 Annual Report

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Today we are publishing our 2022-2023 Annual Report.

In a year that saw the first anniversary of our new name, we are highlighting results that show the strength of our commitment to make our economy more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable.

Now with an envelope of $60 million, we granted $10.6 million to support businesses owned by entrepreneurs who represent the multiplicity of faces that make up our society and who want to have a positive impact in line with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This amount made it possible to generate $32.1 million in additional investment, as well as to create and maintain 843 jobs.

At the same time, our team enhanced the coaching offer with initiatives and tools, while delivering 15,650 hours of coaching for entrepreneurs. In this sense, our satisfaction rate of 93% is a huge source of pride. In total, over 2,355 businesses benefited from our coaching services.

Additionally, in terms of human resources, our 71 employees working in the 17 regions of Quebec were surveyed. The results showed that 93% of them would recommend us as a good work environment. This year, we even won an award for innovative employers, the Prix Prospère de l’employeur innovant!

At the same time, we did not neglect business promotion. Over the past year, we have attended at least one major national event each month, not to mention our presence in every region of Quebec. Plus, 48,000 pages of our website were consulted monthly, and 9,487 subscribers receive our newsletter.

From the platform of this strong performance, Géraldine Martin, our newly appointed CEO, will start the next chapter for our organization and will pursue our mission to give entrepreneurs seeking equity the means to actively participate in creating a better world.

These results would not have been possible without the support of our many partners and the engagement of all our human resources, including members of our board of directors and the large community of engaged entrepreneurs.

To view the report: 2022-2023 Annual Report