our promise to you
to support you in your evolution.
You want to benefit from a support adapted to your reality and maximize your chances to develop fully? Evol has acquired over the years a solid expertise in mentoring and financing.
As soon as you receive your financing, you will be invited to complete an entrepreneurial skills diagnostic, which will allow you to identify your strengths and challenges. Afterwards, a personalized action plan will be proposed to you including individual follow-up meetings, a bank of hours for consultation with the Brigade conseils of experts and access to training activities.
eligibility requirements
The entrepreneur who wishes to apply for a loan must meet all of the following requirements:
Be legally constituted and registered with Quebec’s Enterprise Register or plan to be before the end of the loan application process.
Have its head office and main activities in Quebec.
Have a specific need according to the business’s life cycle, whether a startup, growth, acquisition or success project.
Contribute to at least one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals by being: an impact business (a business whose service or product offer provides a solution to a social or environmental issue) or a business that commits to integrating or enhancing sustainable development practices during its financing.
Be managed by people who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or who have a Quebec Selection Certificate with proof of an application for permanent residency.
Be managed by at least one person who belongs to a community that is underrepresented in entrepreneurship (women, racialized people, immigrants, members of First Nations and Inuit communities, members of the LGBTQ2+ community and people living with a disability), who holds at least 25% of shares and votes and has a strategic position in the business.
*Evol Financement reserves the right at its sole discretion to refuse any loan request that does not meet its eligibility criteria or economic viability criteria (see legal notes).
You wish to apply for financing?
Because your time is valuable and we want to direct you immediately to the right resource, please fill in this short questionnaire.
financing partners
Through partnerships with the Government of Quebec, through its agent Investissement Québec, the National Bank, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the Solidarity Fund QFL and Fondaction, Evol has a substantial envelope to support, through conventional loans, inclusive and diversified ownership businesses generating positive social and environmental impacts aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).