financing partners

Through partnerships with the Government of Quebec, through its agent Investissement Québec, the National Bank, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the Solidarity Fund QFL and Fondaction, Evol has a substantial envelope to support, through conventional loans, inclusive and diversified ownership businesses generating positive social and environmental impacts aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

national partners

join our network of partners

types of partnership available


Are you committed to the development of diverse and inclusive entrepreneurship? Want to make a difference for an organization that is working to make the economy more inclusive and greener? Evol welcomes all forms of financial support. Contact us and we’ll be happy to talk to you!


You want to support projects, activities and initiatives for women and men entrepreneurs in exchange for visibility? Evol has developed a complete range of services to help them take flight and continue their evolution. Contact us now.


Want to see the possible synergies between our respective organizations? Evol collaborates with many partners in the implementation of various initiatives that meet the specific needs of women and men entrepreneurs. Want to share your thoughts on the subject? Make an appointment with our partnership team.

express your interest

Evol’s mission is to support diversely owned and inclusive businesses that generate positive impacts on society.  Through our strategic alliances, we aim to support initiatives aligned with this mission and increase our presence with our target clientele.

Interested in applying for a partnership or sponsorship with Evol? We invite you to fill out this form.

Julie Poistra-Saulnier and David Côté | Loop