Evol marks its first anniversary with $7.1 million awarded to businesses with diverse ownership

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One year ago today, Femmessor launched its new impact funding envelope for businesses with diversified ownership and in the same breath became Evol. Expanding its clientele, the organization maintained a clear objective: to help create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable economy.

Based on Femmessor’s 25 years of experience, today Evol offers funding and personalized support to entrepreneurs who want to have a positive impact on society. Through the support of the Government of Quebec (via its agent Investissement Québec), National Bank, BDC, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, and Fondaction, Evol has a budget of $52.5 million to support the creation, growth, acquisition, and succession of businesses with impact and/or that want to implement structuring efforts in sustainable development.

“In celebrating this first anniversary, my thoughts turn to our clients and their enthusiasm for building prosperous businesses that create value for society,” said Sévrine Labelle, CEO of Evol. “I would also like to point to the incredible mobilization of our board, team, ecosystem partners, members of the entrepreneurial community, political actors, and the business community. By working together, we can bring real change to our economy. And in these uncertain times, we need that more than ever.”

In less than one year of operation, Evol has granted over $7.1 million to businesses that have made or have committed to making concrete efforts in sustainable development. Its team also offered support to close to 3,000 entrepreneurs, representing over 10,000 hours invested.

“Evol has become an essential resource in entrepreneurship,” said Danièle Henkel, spokesperson for Evol. “With its funding envelope dedicated to entrepreneurs who are underrepresented in the ecosystem and who wanted to make a contribution to society, and thanks to the significant expertise of its team, Evol has what it takes to help develop the full entrepreneurial potential of Quebec.”